
  • 副教授,博士生导师

  • 地址:上海市嘉定区曹安公路4800号通达馆613室(201804)

  • 电话:021-69585709

  • 电子邮件:zchen@tongji.edu.cn

  • 网址:sunlijun.tongji.edu.cn

  • 个人简历

  • 研究方向

  • 研究成果
















  1. Zhang Chen; Yuanlu Liang; Tingyi Xu; Lijun Sun ; Evaluation of passenger comfort with road field test multi-axis vibration, Journal of Vibroengineering, 2021, 23(1): 227-255

  2. Zhang Chen; Yuanlu Liang; Jin Yang; Tingyi Xu; Lijun Sun ; Improved Design Method of Emulsified Asphalt Cold Recycled Mixture, Frontiers in Materials, 2020, 7(207): 1-11

  3. 陈长; 梁远路; 薛博阳; 孙立军 ; 车辆振动特征与人体乘坐舒适性的关系, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 48(7): 1007-1015

  4. 陈长; 梁远路; 郭忠印; 李伊; 徐婷怡; 刘黎萍; 孙立军 ; 沥青路面结构层间接触状况诊断新方法, 科学通报, 2020, 65(30): 3318-3327

  5. Zhang Chen; Yuanlu Liang; Yangyang Wu; Lijun Sun ; Research on Comprehensive Multi-Infrastructure Optimization in Transportation Asset Management: The Case of Roads and Bridges, Sustainability, 2019, 11(4430): 1-12

  6. Zang,GS; Sun, LJ; Chen, Z; Li, L. A nondestructive evaluation method for semi-rigid base cracking condition of asphalt pavement. Construction and Building Materials, Vol 162, P892-897. 2018

  7. Wang, H; Xiao, L; Chen, Z. Flexible Emergency Vehicle Network Design considering Stochastic Demands and Inverse-Direction Lanes, Journal of Advanced Transportation. 2018

  8. Song, Yang; Chen, Zhang; Liu, Cheng-Long; Sun Li-Jun. Ordinal cluster division of road section considering maintenance factor weight, Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2018

  9. Yang Song, Zhang Chen, Chenglong Liu and Lijun Sun. Road Network Considering Maintenance Cost. Proceedings of the 97th TRB Annual Conference, 2018

  10. Fand, Yu; Chen, Zhang; Sun, Lijun; Huang, Fang. Evaluation method of urban road riding quality affected by pavement partial unevenness, Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2018

  11. Guo, Xiongfeng; Chen, Zhang; Sun Lijun; Ji, Wanxin. Deterioration analysis and forecasting model of urban bridge, Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2018

  12. Liu, Liyuan; Chen, Zhang; Zhang, Xiao. Research on the relationship between driving vibration noise and tire-road  contact pressure, Proceedings of the 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2018

  13. Xiongfeng Guo, Zhang Chen and Lijun Sun. Study on the Characteristics of Urban Road Pavement Roughness Based on Wavelet Analysis. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference of HKSTS, 2017

  14. Chen, Zhang; Liu, Liyuan; Xv, Tingyi. Relationship between Asphalt Pavement Surface Characteristics and Road Noise. Proceedings of the 16th COAT International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2016.

  15. Chen, Zhang; Wu, Yangyang; Li, Li; Sun, Lijun. Bayesian Approach for the Intelligence of a Transportation Infrastructure Management System. Proceedings of the 15th COAT International Conference of Transportation Professionals. 2015.

  16. Chen, Z.; Liu, L.Y.; Li, L.; Li, H. A Two-Stage Model for Project Optimization in Transportation Infrastructure Management System. MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING. 914515, 2014.

  17. Tingting DING, Lijun SUN and Zhang CHEN. Construction and Application of Highway Safety Evaluation System Based on Traffic Ergonomics. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety. Wuhan, China, June 29-July 2, 2013.

  18. Tingting DING, Lijun SUN and Zhang CHEN. Design and Application of Network-level Decision Support System for Urban Road. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety. Wuhan, China, June 29-July 2, 2013.

  19. Hui Wang, Zhang Chen and Lijun Sun. Image Preprocessing Methods to Identify Micro-cracks of Road Pavement. Optics and Photonics Journal, Vol. 3, No.2B, 2013.

  20. HUANG Fang, CHEN Zhang. Sequence of Urban Bridge Maintenance and Repair Based on Multiple Factors. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Civil, Architectural and Hydraulic Engineering, Zhuhai, China, July 27-28, 2013.

  21. Hui Wang, Zhang Chen and Lijun Sun. Pavement Roughness Evaluation for Urban Road Management. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Transportation Engineering, Chengdu, China, October 19-20, 2013.

  22. 朱洁, 陈长, 孙立军. 沥青路面惰性弯沉点的选取及土基模量的反演. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). Vol. 41 No. 12, 2013.

  23. 朱洁, 陈长, 孙立军. 公路养护绩效评价指标体系的构建方法. 同济大学学报(自然科学版). Vol. 40 No. 6, June, 2012.



  1. 交通运输设施与管理,2011.5,人民交通出版社,排名第六。

  2. 道路工程,2011.3,人民交通出版社,排名第五。

  3. 新编路基路面工程,2011.2,同济大学出版社,排名第二。

  4. 道路与机场设施管理学,2009.2,人民交通出版社,排名第二。



  1. 城市道路和桥梁数据采集标准,2018,上海市住房和城乡建设管理委员会,排名第一。

  2. 高速公路沥青路面养护技术规范,2016,河北省质量技术监督局,本单位排名第二。

  3. 水泥混凝土路面处治及加铺沥青面层技术规程,2015,上海市城乡建设和管理委员会,本单位排名第二。

  4. 城市道路养护技术规程,2013,上海市工程建设规范,本单位排名第一。

  5. 城市高架道路养护技术规范,2012,上海市质量技术监督局,本单位排名第一。

  6. 城市道路路面预防性养护技术规程,2012,上海市城乡建设和交通委员会,本单位排名第一。

  7. 上海市城市桥梁数据采集技术规程,2010,上海市城乡建设和交通委员会,本单位排名第一。

  8. 公路技术状况评定标准,2008,人民交通出版社,本单位排名第一。

  9. 上海市城市道路数据采集技术标准,2008,上海市城乡建设和交通委员会,本单位排名第一。

  10. 上海市城市道路养护技术手册,2008,上海市市政工程管理处,本单位排名第一。

  11. 城镇道路养护技术规范,2006,中国建筑工业出版社,本单位排名第二。

  12. 上海城市桥梁养护技术手册,2006,上海市市政工程管理处,本单位排名第二。



  1. 桥梁实景数字化采集方法(201710406248.1),发明专利,排名第一。

  2. 一种促进桥梁自动检测识别的方法及桥梁检测识别标签(201611048758.8),发明专利,排名第一。

  3. 沥青路面损坏综合智能检测车(201110437157.7),发明专利,排名第一。

  4. 改进的沥青路面损坏综合智能检测车(201110437160.9),发明专利,排名第一。

  5. 新型沥青路面损坏综合智能检测车(201110439871.X),发明专利,排名第一。

  6. 一种道路设施数据采集方法(200510027695),发明专利,排名第二。



  1. 重交通沥青路面设计的理论体系、关键技术与工程应用,2009,国家科技进步二等奖,排名第四。

  2. 重交通沥青路面设计理论及其应用,2008,上海市科技进步一等奖,排名第五。

  3. 沥青路面无损评价与高性能常温再生关键技术,2017,上海市科技进步一等奖,排名第九。

  4. 城市交通基础设施管理决策综合技术的研发与应用,2006,上海市科技进步三等奖,排名第五。

  5. 沥青路面结构维修设计新理论和常温再生关键技术研究,2019,中国公路科技进步一等奖,排名第七。

  6. 公路技术状况评定标准,2008,中国公路科技进步二等奖,排名第八。

  7. 高速公路运营服务质量指标体系研究,2009,中国公路科技进步三等奖,排名第四。

同济大学 孙立军课题组 上海市四平路1239号 021-65982200